
Choosing The Best PPE For Truck Drivers

Every job has its hazards, but the spread of COVID-19 across the entire nation has introduced a new danger that affects everyone from Sacramento truck accident lawyers to the actual truckers on the roads themselves.

Due to the nature of the job, truck drivers have an increased potential to spread the virus far and why, adding yet another danger to add to their list of possible threats on the job. Like most other threats, though, you can halt the spread of Coronavirus by arming yourself with knowledge. In this case, that is knowledge of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and proper cleaning procedures. Here’s what you should know in order to defend yourself and others.

PPE Is The New Normal

Combined with efforts to limit contact with other individuals, PPE is going to be your first line of defense in stopping COVID-19 from spreading to others. All it takes is procuring the right gear and wearing it at the right times. Your mask will likely be the most important, according to the CDC, as it can “slow the spread of COVID-19” by “keeping people who are infected from spreading respiratory droplets to others when they cough, sneeze, or talk.”

What kind of mask should you use? Once again, the CDC mask guidelines are the best for you to follow. You may have heard talk about N95 masks, but the CDC stresses that these are for healthcare workers, and for all others, cloth face coverings are suitable provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Mask has, at minimum, two layers of washable, breathable fabric
  • Mask completely covers your nose and mouth
  • Mask fits snugly against the sides of your face and has no gaps

Your mask should not be made of difficult-to-breathe fabrics (like vinyl), nor should it have any exhalation valves or vents, as these could allow virus particles to escape. As for other forms of face covering, like gaiters and face shields, the CDC is still evaluating their efficacy, so stick to a regular cloth mask for now.

You should learn how to remove your mask correctly, and to ensure your mask is clean, you’ll also want to get into the habit of washing it regularly. You can throw it in the laundry at warm settings, and dry with the highest heat in a dryer to get it back into a wearable condition.

Finally, in addition to your mask, you might also want to wear protective gloves in some cases. It’s best to go with durable (yet disposable) gloves to shield your hands, and remember the CDC best practices for removing gloves to help limit your risk of exposure to anything that might possibly be infectious.