Method for creating a drow of level 1. All of the proposed equipment, runes, masteries, skill order, and beginning gear are detailed here. To the best of my ability, I shall go into depth on this topic.
Calculate your skill levels.
A drow is an expert at hiding in the shadows and deceiving others. With their natural magic and ability to blend into the shadows, they are formidable adversaries.
Pick your skill points. Drow ability scores are often on par with human ones (Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14).
- Select a Course Rapiers, short swords, and hand crossbows are among weapons that the drow are experts with. They can choose from the cleric, fighter, or rogue classes.
- Choose your accomplishments. Drows acquire Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at 1st level and Weapon Focus (rapier) at 3rd level.
- Choose from the wizard spell list the spells you know (Cleric, Fighter, or Rogue). As a cleric or wizard, you can choose one 1st-level spell you know to be your divine focus spell, making it immune to arcane spell failure chance while worn (so long as it is not removed).
Consider your current language and skill levels
At level one, your character has 13,000 experience points to invest in special skills known as feats. If you satisfy the requirements, you can use them on any achievement. The list of available languages also includes Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Sylvan. You may replace the language you choose at first level with a different language you acquire later in life (such as through the “Linguist” accomplishment).
Make a selection of features for your class.
The drow are experts with daggers and light armour. At first level, they don’t learn how to use any other weapons, like shields and martial weapons (e.g., long swords or battleaxes). Their competence with hand crossbows and short swords is the lone exception; they are not considered simple weapons by them (but not as finesse weapons).
Expounding on the History of Noble
It was dark elves that first inhabited the world of the drow. CorellonLarethian, an elf goddess, exiled them from the mortal realm. Since their home was in the vile Underdark, they gradually adapted to its perverse atmosphere. After their own kind doomed them to a life of darkness and slavery to Lolth, they developed a deep-seated hatred of all other races.
Drow are a wicked and malevolent people that care only about their own advancement in the hierarchy of society and the accumulation of money and material goods. They don’t care much about doing good or bad, and they’ll betray their own kind if it means getting what they want, which is power. However, many drow have discovered that gaining influence within a civilization is more effective than trying to overthrow it violently.
Drow Magic as a Subrace-Specific Abilities
The Drow can only use magic to a certain extent. Choose a Subrace Feat from the Following List of DrowSubraces. This feat functions as a spell with a caster level equal to your character level, and you can use it once each day.
Dhampir: Fey Foundling (Su) (Su)
Arcane Strike, Eschew Materials, or Skill Focus become available to you (any). This ability is permanent once selected.
The Blood-Sucking Nosferatu (Ex)
If you are Medium size or smaller, your bite does 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier, and if you are Small size or bigger, your bite deals 1d3 points of damage plus your Strength modifier. In addition, you heal for one health point anytime your biting strike successfully deals damage. Having this power is equivalent to having black vision.
“Rakshasa, Transform Yourself” (Su)
You can transform into the shape of any Small or Medium humanoid as a daily normal action, however your ability scores won’t change until the next time you restore your spells. This power is equivalent to Beast Form II in every other respect.
Lightning Rod, Cure for Wounds, Shield from Harm, and Source of Good and Safety
- The Drow are a subterranean race of evil elves. They practise wickedness, anarchy, and arcane magic in a long-standing tradition.
- The Drow are widely recognised as one of D&D’s most recognisable and fascinating people groups. Their initial appearance was in the 1983 module Dwellers of the Forbidden City. Since then, Drow have appeared in several versions of Dungeons & Dragons, most recently 5th.
- First-Level Spells (a total of four): Class References for Lightning, Bane, Healing, Defense, and Goodness Wizard (Abjuration)
- Backgrounds: Accuser (Clan), Folk Hero (Survival), Outlander (Nature), Sage (History), Sailor (Navy) (Water vehicles).
Holy Fire, Magick to Hurt, Thaumaturgy, Rescue the Helpless
Causing harm with a spell Similar to a Wizard, the Drow can cast spells. As her spellcasting ability, she employs her Intelligence, allowing her to instantly cast any spell she has studied. To learn or cast a spell, a Drow must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Drow’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the Drow’s Intelligence modifier.
A Drow, like any other spell caster, has a daily limit on the number of spells they may cast at each level. You may find her basic daily spell allowance on Table: The Drow. A high Intelligence score also grants her additional spells each day (see Table 1-3 in the Player’s Handbook for details).
All drow spells up to and including 0th level, plus an additional three drow spells up to and including 0th level. They also get two 1st-level drow spells of their choosing and two Cantrips from their racial spell list, in addition to learning two more 0th-level drow spells of their choice.
There isn’t much complexity to a level one drow construct. There is no impossible feat that must be performed. What we have here is more of a concept than a physical structure. The objective is to provide a boost at low levels without interfering with your normal play. It enables you to accomplish the same tasks as other players, such as clearing zones and playing alone.