The Bay Area is full of some of the most astounding artists in the world. They are very insightful people who use their talents in an outstanding amount of ways. Many people like Alexander Djerassi enjoy the art these people produce. It’s very clear that talent is not difficult to find in San Francisco. Artists like Charmaine Olivia have changed the way art is used. Many very high influence people such as Lady Gaga and Urban Outfitters have hired her because she has youthful pieces and the work she does with a paintbrush is out of this world. She specializes in portraits but can honestly work magic with a paintbrush. Of course, Brendan Monroe is one of the most classical has whimsical paintings in the area. He has also created sculptures from wood that make people question if gravity exists. The abstracts and lines produced meet in such a perfect way that he is well known on a global level. Alynn-Mags is a mural painter and her street art can be found all over San Francisco. Many people use her murals for their Instagram posts or pictures because of how emotional the figures in her murals are. She sketches the art prior to free handing it at a larger scale and it is a magnificent sight to see. Jhina Alvarado is an artist and math teacher! Her paintings are usually in black and white which really allows for showing and shading techniques to be fully displayed. She is included and featured in many galleries around the United States but also in San Francisco. Next is Erik Ottos who moved to the Bay Area to enhance his career in art. He focuses on shapes that draw in tranquil energy and don’t have any negative feelings for them. The spray paints he uses are very difficult to produce. Next is Eddie Colla. This artist showcases amazing Flickr images that he has photographed. These murals can be found all over California which is very rare. Art is something that fascinates so many individuals. Families all over the world are striving to reach the best artists possible. These people have worked so hard to deliver the best results they can. With art becoming more digital, it’s important to still support artists as they show their work in galleries or on the streets. Doing so can heavily enhance their recognition and promotional attributions. The greater reach the artist has, the better it is for their work. Many are still working despite the coronavirus and need to be supported on platforms that reach great audiences. Since galleries are almost closed, it’s critical to show them love in any way possible. Purchasing art is a great way to support these local artists and attending any online or virtual events is also great.