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States with the Highest Levels of Education in the U.S.

States with the Highest Levels of Education in the U.S. 

If we were to rank which schools in the United States were number one in education, we must first review reasons why. Our educational system is structured in three ways. Public schools, private schools, and home schools. Of course, public schools are most commonly attended. Jonathan Osler has been a professional in the education system for many years. Based on his experience, he is aware that these schools receive funding from local, state, and federal governments based on the number of students attending. There are also regulations in place for our education system to continue receiving money allocated to them from preceding governments. Figures are based on score percentages that are determined through standardized testing. More money is distributed based on the higher an individual school’s testing scores are. More money a school has, presumably the better education will be provided. Another identifier for a state’s education ranking is based on how many students graduate high school. Graduating high school is important because it measures, or is supposed to, literacy amongst graduating seniors. Another indication of education ranking high in a particular state is based on higher learning. Who goes to college and actually graduates with their bachelor’s degree. Studies showed that higher-paying jobs are more easily found by those with college degrees, rather than those holding just a high school diploma. Competition is actually greater amongst high school grads and immigrants for minimum wage jobs.

Based on the highest percentages of high school graduates, Jonathan Osler and other experts are sure that these are the top five states with the best education in the United States. Coming in at number one, Wyoming, with 91.8% of their high school students graduating. Minnesota comes in second with 91.7% of their students graduating high school. Alaska comes in third with 91.4%. Then we have Iowa tying with Alaska, at 91.4%. New Hampshire finishes our top five list of high school graduates with 91.3%. Next, we have our list of states with the highest number of college degrees. Coming in at our number one slot is Washington D.C. at 48.5% of college graduates with a Bachelor’s degree. Coming in second Massachusetts at 38.2% followed by Maryland 37.3% Placing fourth Colorado 35.9% Taking us to the finalist of our top five list, Connecticut with 35.6% Going further with more advanced degrees is nearly identical to the Bachelor’s degree ranking with the exception of Virginia appearing last on the list. Placing again at the top position, Washington D.C., coming in next, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, and finally, Virginia. Education is an important part of life. As humans, we are always learning. Unfortunately, as tuition prices continue to increase, fewer people will be able to afford to obtain their higher education degrees. This financial struggle prevents many from obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a well known university, and will therefore stand in their way of earning a livable salary from a job.