The Importance of Voting
To establish a fair and just society, everyone must participate in the democratic process. Voting gives you a voice in how our laws are made, who represents you, and how tax dollars are spent. Yet not all Americans take the time to vote or may be unsure about their voting rights as first-time voters. Fortunately, there are many ways to determine if you are eligible to vote and where your local polling place is. Some apps will remind you of upcoming elections and let you know if you’re registered to vote. Here we will outline why voting is so vital for your and our country’s future.
1. Voting Protects Democracy
Voting protects democracy from the government. When eligible voters do not vote, the government may not be accountable to the people. This is because if people do not vote, they can no longer hold their elected officials responsible for their decisions. This can result in poor government policy, which threatens our freedom and democracy as a country.
2. Every Vote Matters
Every vote counts, and every voter matters. The United States is a representative democracy where the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. If you are not registered to vote, you do not have a voice in how decisions are made for the future of our country. Voting is your voice to ensure that your representatives do what you want them to do: to serve the people, not themselves or special interests groups.
3. Voting Shapes Social Agendas
If you do not vote, your voice is not heard, and the people who don’t vote cannot influence how decisions are made in our government. Voting also shapes social agendas because when individuals vote in elections, they have a say in the future of our country. This means that your voice matters, and you have a say if you would like to see particular issues addressed or not.
4. Voting Shapes The Economy
The economy is affected by the decisions made in government, and if people do not vote, their voice is not heard. If people do not vote, then they are unable to influence how decisions are made in our government.
5. Voting Affects Environmental Policies
Jonathan Osler San Francisco established that the economy is “the sum of all our choices.” He also states that “the economy is a system in which we are all participants.” In other words, the economy is a system where every person matters. Osler also stated that “the economy is the sum of our individual choices.” Voting affects the environment because if people do not vote, their voices are not heard.
6. Voting Affects Foreign Policy
Foreign policy is shaped by the decisions made in our government. If you do not vote, your voice is not heard, and you cannot influence how decisions are made in our government. Voting also affects foreign policy because when individuals vote in elections, they have a say in the future of our country.
Jonathan Osler San Francisco believes that there are many reasons why people should vote. Voting affects the economy, social agendas, and the environment. People should vote because your voice matters, and your vote can help shape the future of our country.