One must first understand constitutional law before learning about the first amendment. Andrew Napolitano, an analyst, and lawyer study constitutional law. This refers to the body of law that defines the roles and powers within any one state. These usually include the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of the government. Now onto the education portion of the content (concerning the first amendment). One should know that, under this amendment, one is protected in areas concerning freedom of speech, religion, assembly of the press, and the right one has to petition the government concerning anything that one does not agree with. One thing that should be noted here is that one does not have the right to take away someone else’s freedoms under this statute. One can disagree with another’s point of view, but one does have the right to take someone else’s freedom away for sharing one’s view. Some need more education about this aspect.
One does not have to reach a certain age to maintain these rights. One is given these rights the very first day one is born. That means one does not have to become a citizen to have these rights. Is this a luxury that some take for granted? One could place value in that sentiment. Too many take the very foundations one’s founding fathers put into place for granted because they are not earned. These are automatically given to everyone. This amendment is for everyone. The first amendment does not take one position over the other. It does not lean left or right. It does not lean toward republican, democrat, or independent. This amendment is not for gay versus straight. It is over everyone. The first amendment can also be used as a tool to effect social and political change, just as one can use it to oppose those changes. This tool can be harnessed in a big way whether one uses it for positive or negative consequences. The first amendment is a kind of catch-22 in some way. It is supposed to be used in a way so that the government can use it to limit one’s freedoms or expressions. The one downside is that it does not limit one’s boss from imposing rules of one’s own. That means one’s boss can impose any rule that one sees fit without breaking the rules of the first amendment.
This amendment does limit and prevents the government from imposing its thoughts and expressions onto others. That means one can limit the information one receives and how one receives it. The government does not have the right to tell someone to say something one does not want to. More people should remember this information, especially right now. One is not allowed to dictate to others, just as others are not allowed to dictate to one. People like Andrew Napolitano believe that everyone should study constitutional law.