The cigar industry’s history goes back hundreds of years, and demand for premium tobacco products has ebbed and flowed over the years. During World War II, consumer demand went down due to soldiers having access to free cigarettes. Once those programs ended, the demand for cigars increased. Today, the cigar industry is continuing to experience rapid growth that is driven by several interesting factors.
1- Rising Availability of Quality Blends
In the early days of the tobacco industry, people often had only a few options to choose from. Although imported cigars were available, a person could wait years before they could gain access to special blends. Fortunately, the global marketplace has expanded the availability of premium cigars, which has led to increased interest among consumers. If you love quality blends and premium products, then the industry is constantly importing the best tobacco that’s available from around the globe.
2- Increased Disposable Incomes
Cigars were once reserved for royalty. While you can still feel like a king or queen enjoying a cigar, the truth is that the abundance of many tobacco blends has made them more affordable which is great for people’s disposable incomes. Increasingly affordable cigars combined with rising incomes have led to a perfect union within the industry that allows more people to indulge in their favorite products. Cigar companies also tend to offer bundles and other promotions that make enjoying their products easier for the average person. Whether you enjoy bringing a cigar along to your favorite beach or have one to relax at your backyard barbecues, it’s easy to find one that fits your lifestyle and budget.
3- Easier Access to Premium and Unique Products
The days of having to hope for a boat to bring a load of cigars are over. You can also opt out of having to go to a specialty store in person if you’re short on time. Online cigar shops have opened up the ability for everyone to search for new and exciting products with a few swipes of their fingertips. Online retailers even sell premium products from name brands, and you can quickly find unique cigars that you might not usually be able to get in your local stores. Being able to enjoy a diverse selection allows you to turn enjoying a cigar into an exciting experience.
4- Heightened Interest in Luxury Living
With the increase of celebrities and influencers snapping pics of themselves enjoying cigars, consumers are starting to see them in a new light. There’s just something about the relaxation and sense of luxury that enjoying a cigar can bring to any situation. From enhancing your enjoyment of an outdoor patio at your favorite restaurant to elevating your experience at a luxury vacation rental, cigars can transport you to a new level of living that drives people’s interest in the industry.
While cigar aficionados have their preferences for blends and brands, there’s one thing that every enthusiast can agree on. The diverse selection of cigars that are available today makes it possible for anyone to experiment to find their favorite type. As the industry’s current market patterns indicate, online stores are expected to continue to offer high-quality blends at the best prices to satisfy consumer demand for their products.