8 Ways a Local Hotel Can Improve Guest Satisfaction

8 Ways a Local Hotel Can Improve Guest Satisfaction

Whether your hotel is part of a huge national chain or a small local operation, your ultimate goal should be to create an experience that leaves guests feeling like they made the right decision by staying there. Luckily, there are some simple ways to improve guest satisfaction that even smaller, local hotels can do. Check out eight easy ideas that you can implement today.

1. Be Available 24/7

One complaint many customers have about local hotels is that they don’t have certain types of customer service available 24/7. For example, if a toilet clogs up in the middle of the night, you need to have someone you can call on to fix it ASAP or a clerk on hand who can move that guest to another room.

2. Create a Guest Loyalty Program

If you have guests who visit your hotel frequently, consider setting up a loyalty program. Perhaps they can sign up and earn rewards like discounted stays or coupons for local restaurants. Another option is to offer a free night for every so many nights the guest stays in your hotel.

3. Go the Extra Mile During Check-In

Take steps to make check-in a more positive experience. If necessary, update your technology so that check-in is quick and seamless. Hire employees who prioritize customer service. Offer extras like a free refreshing drink and a hearty snack at the front desk.

4. Partner Up with Local Restaurants and Attractions

Consider partnering up with local restaurants, shops, and tourist attractions to offer guests a little extra something, like discounts, exclusive information and opportunities, and other deals. These incentives will excite your guests and encourage them to explore your community, and it can be mutually beneficial for both your hotel and any business willing to work with you.

5. Provide Free Basic Supplies

How many times have you traveled and realized you left a toothbrush at home or your shampoo is nearly empty? How nice would it be to wake up and have a coffee maker in your room so you can start your day with a beverage? Consider adding complimentary hotel supplies to each of your rooms for your guests’ convenience.

6. Make Cleanliness a Priority

A dirty room is typically the number one reason why guests leave bad reviews for hotels. Make sure you hire an efficient cleaning staff and go above and beyond to ensure your guests have a tidy and hygienic room.

7. Offer a More Personalized Experience

If you can do anything to make a guest’s experience more personalized, do it. It shows them that your team goes the extra mile. It can be as simple as greeting them by name or leaving a little snack in their room. If you know someone is in town for a special event, like a birthday or anniversary, acknowledge it in some way.

8. Respond to Feedback

Finally, take all feedback, both positive and negative, into consideration. If guests like something, keep doing it. If they don’t like something, take steps to change it as soon as you can.

Improving guest satisfaction at a local hotel can be achieved by following the above ideas.