For the average person, giving a presentation can be the most intimidating thing they could ever have to do. A person who may have had a lousy experience presenting in the past may feel quite hesitant to get back up on that stage again. Fortunately, becoming an effective speaker can be possible, even for the most hesitant of people. The following tips are great ways anyone can use in order to prepare to ace that next big presentation.
Go Over the Presentation Several Times
It may seem pointless and unnecessary to go through a presentation many times prior to the actual date. In reality, rehearsing multiple times can be a great way to calm a nervous speaker and put one’s mind at ease. Even the most confident speaker can get a case of the jitters, especially in front of large crowds. Rehearsing a presentation multiple times leading up to the big day is a wonderful way to calm a racing mind and solidify the key messages which will be conveyed to the audience.
Calm Those Nervous Butterflies on the Big Day
Prior to the day of the presentation, it’s a great idea to get a good night’s sleep. On the day of the presentation, a quick run or gym session is an effective way to work out those nervous butterflies. Try to avoid caffeine beforehand, as caffeine can increase anxiety and nervousness.
Speak Loud and Speak Slow
While giving a presentation, nervous jitters can cause one to speak too quietly or too quickly. Speaking in this manner is very ineffective, as it can become difficult for the audience to understand what is being said. This could also cause the audience to not understand what the key messages of the presentation are. It may seem unnatural to speak loudly and slowly, but this style is the best way to effectively deliver one’s message and successfully give a presentation. Diego Ruiz Duran believes that one’s ability to maintain proper intonation while delivering a presentation is instrumental in whether or not a presenter is efficacious in delivering the key messages.
Positive and Open Body Language Goes a Long Way
An audience will put more stock into a presentation which is delivered by an individual who exudes confidence and authority. Many people feel uneasy when giving a speech or presentation and tend to hunch over, fidget with their hands, or play with their hair. Practice authoritative, yet open body language prior to the day of the presentation. Practice standing upright and using open body language in order to convey the various points which will be made. Smile and remember to make eye contact with those in the room. If making eye contact with strangers seems too intimidating, see if there is a friendly or familiar face in the audience, and make eye contact with them more often if in need of a confidence boost. Diego Ruiz Duran has stated that a presenter needs to practice positive body language when delivering a presentation, as this is imperative in keeping an audience’s attention. Practicing these tips will help an individual become a more confident speaker when delivering important presentations.
Public speaking and giving effective presentations does not have to be difficult. Many people get a case of nervous jitters prior to delivering a presentation. By thoroughly preparing and going over the main points of the presentation several times, one is sure to effectively deliver any major presentation that comes their way.