Closed Vs. Open Adoption

It’s crucial to understand the differences between closed and open adoptions while deciding whether or not to adopt.

In a closed adoption, the adoptive parents, the child, and the birthparents have no further communication. There might not even be any interaction before the adoption in a closed adoption.

However, all the parties to an open adoption continue to be a part of one another’s lives following the adoption.

Closed Adoptions

International adoption procedures continue to frequently involve closed adoptions. Also, they are particularly prevalent when families choose to adopt children through an agency like Texas Adoption. After putting their name on a list, the potential adoptive family waits for the social worker to find a match. Usually, the adopted parents don’t know the child’s biological parents or where the youngster is from. It’s possible that the adopted child will never even be aware of their adoption.

Even if they are acquainted at the time of the adoption, the adoptive parents and birth parents do not maintain contact after it has taken place. When a youngster is younger than 18, it’s common for them to be unaware of their biological parents.

Additionally, the files are typically physically sealed when adoptions are finalized. Nonetheless, most states have established processes allowing family members who want to “open” an adoption to get information about the other parties. However, these procedures differ greatly from state to state. For instance, several states demand a court warrant before disclosing details that could be used to identify an adoptive party.

Open Adoptions

The “open” adoption process, in which the adoptive parents meet the birth parents and typically maintain contact with them, is becoming increasingly popular today. Nevertheless, every adoption is different, and there are differences in the level of communication and interaction between adoptive parents and birth parents. However, it depends on how at ease everyone is with the procedure and surroundings. Today, the majority of adoption organizations promote some level of transparency.

The birthparents often have a say in selecting the adoptive parents for their child in private adoptions or adoptions involving adoption agencies. Usually, the adoption agency presents prospective adoptive parents’ biographies to the birthparents, who then choose the family with whom they feel most at ease.  

The birth parents and adoptive parents frequently interact in open adoptions. In addition, couples might communicate regularly while the woman is pregnant. Furthermore, the adoptive parents frequently witness the birth of the adopted child. Some families stay in touch through their adoption agency, particularly around birthdays and special occasions. Some people make and keep friends throughout the life of the child.

Pros and Cons of Open Adoption

The open adoption procedure can take the secrecy out of the adoption process and give birth parents and adoptive parents more authority over decision-making. The open adoption procedure also enables adoptive parents to more effectively respond to their child’s inquiries about their biological parents and the reasons for their adoption. Because everyone engaged in the adoption process can directly address the child’s concerns, open adoptions can also assist the child in accepting being adopted.

Nevertheless, open adoption has its drawbacks as well. The degree of openness is perceived as a danger by many adoptive parents who worry that the birthparents will interfere with their lives after the adoption is finalized or even try to have the child returned to them. In addition, adoptive parents could be concerned that the child won’t know their “true” parents.

Deciding on an Open or Closed Adoption

One of the numerous decisions you’ll have to make during the adoption process is whether to go with an open or closed adoption. Moreover, significant legal issues will surface as you assume custody and responsibility for an adopted child. Therefore, you may put your mind at ease and guarantee a smooth adoption by hiring a knowledgeable family law attorney with experience in adoption issues.