How To Build A Live Bear Trap

Since many decades ago, the practise of live capturing and moving black bears that cause trouble has been widespread across North America. During this time period, the traps were conceived of and built without the benefit of quality control or established guidelines for their technical requirements. As a direct consequence of this, traps differed in terms of their shape, triggering mechanism, construction materials, and level of craftsmanship.

How To Build A Live Bear Trap?

Large culverts equipped with weighty spring-loaded doors were frequently used in the construction of traps. Inside the trap was a massive treadle pedal in addition to the intricate pulley systems, broad meshed grating, exposed guy wires, and other components that made up the mechanism that triggered the trap.

These designs, despite being functional, were riddled with issues, including frequent malfunctions of the trigger pedal, injuries to bears’ paws, claws, and teeth, difficult handling of the sedated bears, and the possibility of injury to children or bear cubs who were standing in the doorway when the trap was triggered.

In response to these issues, a trap that is safe for both children and bears has been developed:

Design Parameters:

The following elements were incorporated into the design of the trap during construction:

  • methods of activation that have been streamlined
  • a see-through meshing that does not provide a risk of damage
  • front and back access
  • an unobstructed interior
  • a cool environment within
  • a door closing with no springs and a gentle impact

Trap Description:

Description of the Trap The trap is mounted on its own trailer and has dimensions of 1 metre by 1 metre by 2.5 metres (40 inches by 40 inches by 8 feet). It is made out of 14 gauge plate steel for the top and bottom and 1.5 inch by 13 inch flat expanding mesh for the sides. The strong plates shield the bears from the elements, including the sun and rain, and make it simple to clean.

The side mesh is sufficiently fine to prevent the bears from getting their claws or canines caught in the apertures, but it is large enough to ensure that the handlers always have a clear view of the bear. A large number of holes measuring 4.5 centimetres (1 34 inches) in diameter and spaced at various heights along the side mesh provide convenient access to the bears so that they can be immobilised.

Having a door at either end not only makes it substantially easier to remove animals who have been sedated but also makes it possible to clean the floor with a power washer. The bait for the trap is placed through the front entrance, so there is no need to crawl inside the cage to accomplish it.

  • The top of the back door is where the hinges are located. When the door is unlatched, it is possible to enable it to rest at an angle of 45 degrees by using counter-weights. When the door is brought up to its fixed position, a returning moment occurs, which causes the door to speed down when it is released from its high position.
  • When the door has moved past its resting position, a counter moment takes over and causes it to slow down before it latches onto the rear frame. This happens because of the presence of a spring. The end product is a door that closes and locks securely but without causing any kind of discomfort to either people or bears.
  • By later tugging on the ropes that are tied to the latch hooks on the tow vehicle, the bears may be securely freed from within the tow car. When the bear is free, the door will return to its resting position at a 45-degree angle, allowing a gap for it to pass through.
  • A conduit made of pipe measuring 3.8 centimetres (1.5 inches) in diameter and welded to the exterior of the side mesh is used to direct a stainless steel cable that is attached to the trigger level and maintains the door in the set position to the front of the cage. At the very beginning of the cable there is a bait bag that has been connected.
  • When you pull on the bait bag, the door to the back room will unlatch. The bear must go all the way to the front of the cage as soon as it enters in order for it to be able to get the bait.
  • ·         This significantly increases the efficiency of the trap by lowering the number of startled bears that are able to escape before the door is completely shut. Positioning the bait such that it is pressed up against the front and side meshes improves the scent’s ability to spread.

Last Words

Since the year 2000, the upgraded bear trap has been put through its paces in the field throughout northern Ontario. During this time, many hundred bears have been successfully caught using the trap, and there have been no reports of any injuries to either the animals or the people. The number of customers interested in purchasing this newly designed product continues to rise. If you are interested in constructing a trap and need assistance or comprehensive designs, please get in touch with Ivan or Josef.