How to Choose Manual Checks for Your Company's Needs

How to Choose Manual Checks for Your Company’s Needs

Just like with consumers, checks remain a viable form of payment for many businesses today. They provide company owners with a physical record of completed transactions and a point of reference for managing finances. It’s important to spend time researching what your business needs in manual checks so you can choose manual checks for your company’s needs.

Security Features

When you select manual checks for your company, look for those that come with security features. Security features on manual checks include watermarks, microprinting, security screens, chemically reactive paper, holograms, and heat-sensitive ink. They can also include invisible fluorescent fibers that you can only see under UV light.


You should also choose manual checks that are compatible with your accounting software and banking requirements. This tip ensures checks can clear your bank quickly and also provides you with a convenient way to manage your company’s books.

Quantity and Cost

As you look for checks to invest in for your company, you must think about how many checks you will write and what that quantity of checks will cost. Select a practical number to order and a style that your cash flow can afford.

Easy Use

You may also find it handy to choose a style of checks that provides you with a fast and easy way to write on them and handle them.Checks typically offer this level of convenience that many business owners today prefer.

Reputable Supplier

Purchase your manual checks from a reputable supplier. This supplier should offer high-quality products and also provide customers with reliable and helpful customer service to quickly resolve disputes or concerns.


You should choose a check format that suits the needs of your business. The formats can include single checks, duplicates, or triplicates, depending on what kind of record you want of them and for what purpose you typically use manual checks.

Paper Quality

The quality of paper used in the checks can also play a big factor. High-quality paper ensures better durability and also minimizes the risk of tampering. You also avoid wasting money on checks that tear or smear when you use them.

Endorsement Area

You should also ensure the manual checks you choose have enough space on the back for you to endorse them. This space should offer you a clear area for manually endorsing the checks. You may also find it helpful to select those with enough space for you to use a stamp for endorsing them.


Finally, you must ensure that your manual checks comply with all of the relevant banking regulations and standards today. Shopping for and ordering these checks from a reputable supplier minimizes the chances of you buying checks that do not comply and that other businesses and banks will not accept.

These practical tips highlight how you can choose manual checks for your company’s needs. You can order checks that integrate well with your current accounting software and provide you with easy use. You can also get high-quality checks that meet banking regulations and standards in the right quantity that you can afford by purchasing them from a reputable supplier.