How To Spell Build

Admit it, you’ve probably not had to spell it out for a good 10 to 15 years. But, if you’re in the construction industry or even just talking SaaS (software as a service) with your Dad over Christmas dinner, there’s every chance that you’ll find yourself in the position of having to write this word out. While you do still hear people say “build” a lot (especially those who are American), it is starting to decline . . . so, should we care?

What is the correct spelling of build?

The correct spelling of build is build.

Build is a word in the English language, it has a very simple definition, to create or construct something. In most cases we use build as a verb (verb: to construct or create), but it can be used as an adjective (adjective: pertaining to the act of building) or noun (noun: a structure that has been built).

The correct spelling of build is:

  • Build (verb)
  • The definition of build is:
  • To construct or put together, as a structure; to fashion or form, as a plan

We can also use build in other ways:

  • as a noun – the act of constructing something; the act of putting things together; construction work
  • as a noun – an instance of constructing something; a piece of constructed work or art (such as a building)

How Do You Spell Build?

Build is a verb that means “to construct, assemble or erect.” The word can be used as both a noun and a verb. When build is used as a noun, it refers to the act of constructing something or the materials used for construction. When build is used as a verb, it refers to creating something from scratch or putting something together from its parts.

Examples of How To Use the Word Build

  • “The children were building with Legos.”
  • “They built their house out of stone.”
  • “He built his own house.”

Is It Built OrBuilded?

The word “built” is often misspelled as “builded.” The word “built” is an adjective that describes a noun, while “builded” is the past tense of the verb “to build.”

If you’re trying to describe something that was created by someone else, you would use “built.” For example:

  • The apartment was built in the 1960s. (The apartment was constructed during this decade.)
  • The apartment was built out of brick. (Brick was used to construct the walls.)
  • But if you’re talking about your own creations, then it’s correct to use the past tense of build instead:
  • I built my house out of wood and stone.

Which Is Correct Built OrBuilded?

The answer to this question depends on whether you’re a native speaker of American English or British English.

In American English, the verb build is always spelled with one L, as in built. In British English, however, there are two acceptable spelling variants: built and builded.

In both British and American varieties of English, the past tense and past participle of the verb build are spelled built or builded, depending on whether you follow British or American spelling conventions.

So if you’re using American spelling rules, you would use builded only when writing in British English. If you’re using British spelling rules, you would use built only when writing in American English.

Built is the preferred spelling in American English, while builded is preferred in British English.

Though built is the preferred spelling in both American and British English, it’s worth noting that the Oxford English Dictionary includes both entries as acceptable variants.

This isn’t to say that all British writers will choose builded, nor that all American writers will choose built. There are writers who prefer one or the other and there are also writers who don’t care which one they use.

For example, Shakespeare uses both spellings — he once wrote “Ile buildevpon my father” (in Henry V) and later wrote “Ile buildevpon thy solid vertue” (in The Rape of Lucrece).

How Do You Spell Built?

Yes, you do.

You might be surprised to learn that there are many different ways to spell built. The reason for this is the fact that there are multiple words that have the same root word: build. The root word build comes from Old English byldan and can be found in many other words, such as built and building.

So what do you do when you want to write about a building? Do you use built or build? Or should it be spelled ‘bild’ or ‘bile’? If so, why? How do I know which form of the word is correct?

To answer these questions, we need to take a look at how plurals (and sometimes possessives) are formed by adding -s or -es at the end of words in English. This is known as regular pluralization, but there are many exceptions to this rule. For example:

  • The boy’s mother gave him money for candy.
  • The boy’s mothers gave them money for candy.
  • The boy’s mothers gave them money for candy.