Leadership Development
An exciting new trend in pain management is taking the forefront. Pain professionals are learning to work with patients, not just treat them effectively. This can be done by changing how doctor-patient interaction is approached and, in turn, how doctors are being trained for their careers as a whole. In this article, Dr. Jordan Sudberg shares his views on what it means to be a leader in pain management.
Dr. Jordan Sudberg is a pain management specialist. He has dedicated his life to helping people live a healthier and more active lifestyle, focusing on the most common pain conditions plaguing the world today. He has been named by leaders in his field as one of the top 100 pain management experts worldwide. He is often called on to speak at national conferences and universities to inspire others to develop their careers in this dynamic field.
A leader is someone who brings together a team to achieve a goal. An essential aspect of being a leader has clear objectives and expectations for how the team will function. In pain management, this means holding doctors to higher standards of how they are expected to practice and teach their patients to treat them effectively.
What It Means To Be A Leader In Pain Management
When it comes to developing leadership skills as a professional, Dr. Sudberg says that the most important aspect is consistency. The patients that doctors see every day will not have a positive experience with them if they can’t trust that they know what they’re doing and that their relationship with the doctor is solid. He also says that doctors should focus on showing their patients respect at all times, rather than simply giving it.
In addition to the importance of consistency and open-mindedness, he believes that the best leaders are well-rounded in their knowledge of their craft. While doctors must know how to treat pain efficiently and effectively, they must also have an understanding of what’s going on outside of the patient’s head.
“If you don’t understand the psychology and neurology of pain, then you can’t be an effective leader. The best leaders know both aspects of the industry and can talk to their patients respectfully while providing effective treatment. Patients must understand how their doctor can help them. They shouldn’t be scared to speak in front of the doctor or have a genuine conversation with him.”
Dr. Jordan Sudberg tends to support this idea. He says that for it to be effective, the patient must understand what the doctor is trying to do from day one. Doctors who take the time to explain their plan to the patient and let them know how they can help them will be more successful in achieving their goals.
One of Dr. Sudberg’s biggest pet peeves is seeing doctors who have an open-minded approach and provide effective pain management treatment but don’t make it a priority in their lives. He says they aren’t as effective as they could be if they don’t have a plan and work on improving it daily. He also believes that it’s essential for doctors to know the minds of their patients, which is why he uses different techniques to explain pain treatment concepts to them.